In the (EK) News!


A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by a journalist from the local newspaper inquiring about my current exhibition..... She was looking for details about it along with some images and this week, it appeared as a 2-page centre spread in the East Kilbride News! I'm delighted! It's lovely for my images to appear in my local paper, and I'm hoping it might inspire others to pay more attention to our gorgeous wildlife... I'm proud of my wee town, it has its good and bad points like everywhere else, but I think we are so lucky to have gorgeous spaces like Calderglen and the Heritage Park, complete with such an abundance of wildlife literally right on our doorstep. My dad was the person who introduced me to the beauty of birds when I was really wee. He planted the 'seed' and it's stayed with me ever since - it's continued to grow bigger each year! Sadly he is no longer with us but I always feel closer to him when I'm around nature...

My exhibition is still running along at the Hunter House Coffee Shop, (9-4 Mon-Sat) so please feel free to drop by and have a wee look at my images..... I hope you like them :) 

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